Harris Poll Reveals Happiest Cities
A Recent Harris Poll has revealed the Happiest Cities in America.
Here are the top 5
1. Dallas Texas (38% Very Happy)
2. Houston Texas (38% Very Happy)
Here are the top 5
1. Dallas Texas (38% Very Happy)
- On the positive side, they are among the Americans most likely to say their spiritual beliefs are a positive guiding force to them (75%) and that they rarely worry about their health (59%), as well as being among the least likely to feel their voices are not heard in national decisions that affect them (67%).
- But even America's happiest city shows room for improvement. Dallas/Fort Worth residents are among the Americans least likely to agree that they have positive relationships with their family members (though it's worth noting that 83% do agree with this sentiment) and among the most likely to agree that they rarely engage in hobbies and pastimes they enjoy (34%).
2. Houston Texas (38% Very Happy)
- ike their Dallas/Fort Worth neighbors, Houston residents are also among those most likely to say their spiritual beliefs are a positive guiding force to them (79%) and among the least likely to feel their voices are not heard in national decisions that affect them (67%).
- However, Houston residents stand out from those of most other markets in that, well, they don't stand out in any negative way, attitudinally speaking.
3. Philadelphia, PA (34% "very happy")
- Those in the city of brotherly love are among the most likely to say their relationships with friends bring them happiness (92%) and they're generally happy with their lives at this time (86%), while being the least likely by far to agree that they won't get much benefit from the things they do anytime soon (24%).
- Like Houston residents, Philadelphians don't appear to have any especially negative sentiments.
4. Atlanta, GA (34% "very happy")
- Atlanta residents are among those most likely to agree that they are optimistic about the future (81%) and that their spiritual beliefs are a positive guiding force to them (77%), as well as being among the least likely to feel their voices are not heard in national decisions that affect them (67%).
- On the down side, those in Atlanta are among the least likely to agree that their relationships with friends bring them happiness (though at 84%, a vast majority still agree with this) and the most likely by far to agree that they frequently worry about their financial situation (71%).
5. Los Angeles, CA (33% "very happy")
- Angelenos are the group least likely to agree that their work is frustrating (32%) and are among those least likely to agree that they rarely engage in hobbies and pastimes they enjoy (28%).
- Los Angeles sentiments do not show any especially negative tendencies.
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